Finnaly i have time to update this old-dusty-blog! Well hello everyone! How's life? My life has gotten much better now! Now i'm having a full time holiday after the national exam
First, i want to say i have so many mixed feelings about graduating school😯 i am that type of person who always want another journey but kinda easily attached to the past..
Gotta miss my friend Qibonk! Well it's not her real name😂 her real name is Qintan but it's easier to call her Qibonk.
she's the one in pink dress>_<
We met at the very first day of school. She was sitting alone and i recognized the name of her former school from her tie! I know her old school so i started the cliché convos such as "kamu dulu anak lapsat ya... salam kenal ya!"😂
And things got better after i found out she lives not very far from my house. Since then, we usually go home together taking angkot CH( a public transportation)😂 we had so many moments in that transportation.
We also had so many ups and downs. We had a fight and im the one who started it all:( i felt so many regrets and i hate my mental disorders who i diagnosed as bipolar who caused it all
Well we finnaly made up and be friends again! And Qibonk started to bring motorcycle and i started to hitch her:( a.k.a nebeng hahaha..
Shortly, i have so many memories in highschool with her, sure i'm gonna miss her more when i start my first day as a freshmen without her in uni.. we're taking a different roads now.. she's going to study economic and im going to study psychology:( we're also going to different uni. I go to University of Indonesia which is located in Depok, and she goes to Padjajaran University which is located in Bandung, but she told me that her class is located in Sumedang😂
Talking about uni, both me and Qibonk are accepted through SNMPTN.. So we dont have to take another test to go to PTN
The announcement was announced in April, 26th... yep, 5 days after my birthday... my blood rushed through my veins and my chest pounded so hard! I could never forget that moment.. the server went down in 14.00.. and i didn't open it after 14.10. I received news from Qibonk and she said she was accepted! I cried in joy because of her!💞💞 but a lil bit got more anxious because i myself hadn't opened mine yet😂 to reduced the feelings, i watched Harry Potter and got distracted.. but still
Q and me after we finished our French practical exam...
I also received news from Dean, he didn't make it through SNMPTN. That's scared the hell out me because i know he is smart as hell and im nothing compared to him.. and then my mom told me to just open it and be patient whatever the result is... so i started to open it through SNMPTN website but the website crashed-_- so i started to open it from UI website and the result is.....
I GOT ACCEPTED! ALHAMDULILLAH... i saw a green square right after my name and i jumped around my mom hugged me and we both cried... we didn't stop to say our gratitude to Allah
Sad, joy,mixed together because i know some people who i love,befriend,and hang out with didn't get into SNMPTN. I cheered them up, some of them thanked me, some of them just ignored me😦 but im fully understand.. they were just in crisis and it's my job as a friend to lift them up:)
Okeyy i think that's all, just to fulfill this post, i want to post some pictures of my memories in highschool!:)

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